Penetration Testing

What is a penetration test?

A penetration test (pentest for short) or also known as pentesting is a comprehensive security test of individual computers, servers and/or networks of any size as well as web applications.
The tester is able to exploit the security vulnerabilities in the existing system(s) and use appropriate methods to penetrate without authorization.

This type of testing is becoming more and more important in times of increasing digitalization.
With the help of a pentest, the vulnerabilities or security holes are revealed throughout the entire critical IT infrastructure.

penetration test diesec

Why is a penetration test important?

For companies of any industry, regardless of the number of employees or the size of the IT infrastructure, a penetration test is important. As these IT security checks provide information about existing security gaps and vulnerabilities.
Such vulnerabilities can lead, for example, to identity theft, general theft of sensitive data and the theft of money.

Furthermore, the pentest determines how the existing IT infrastructure reacts to possible attacks, whether sensitive data could be stolen and if Trojans and viruses could be introduced.

The final reports by our specialists provide clear results on the current security status of the infrastructure, the exact potential for improvement and where there is a general need for action. We will be happy to advise you on this in advance.

Is a penetration test risky?

In penetration testing, the goal is not to compromise applications, steal data, or disable IT infrastructure, but to uncover vulnerabilities and find security holes.

The tests are performed by our, qualified personnel, who have years of professional expertise in the field of pentesting.
In addition, our pentesters have numerous qualifications such as CEH, OSCP, CISA and others.

penetration test diesec

How long does a penetration test take?

The duration of a penetration test can range from days to weeks.

The actual duration varies depending on the size of the company, the complexity of the IT infrastructure, the type of penetration test and the final reporting. Please feel free to contact us for an individual quote or further questions.

What are the different types of penetration tests?

In a black-box pentest, our specialist (pentester) has no information about the company's IT infrastructure.
The typical procedure of a cyber attack is imitated and an attempt is made to penetrate the infrastructure. Usually, the IT department in the company is not informed about the test in order to simulate an attack that is as close to reality as possible. A black-box network test is therefore the most detailed and realistic assessment of the security systems and, accordingly, the most time-consuming.

In a grey box test, the penetration tester has the access rights of an internal user, thus knows the system and uses this user account to perform the test.
Grey-box pentests are suitable for targeted security analysis because the testers can already act with prior knowledge without having to penetrate the infrastructure externally, as previously described for the black-box test.

In a white-box pentest, the tester works with the company's internal IT department and already has extensive knowledge of the infrastructure.
By looking at all systems, many vulnerabilities can be uncovered, but often the link to real threats, as in the black-box test, is not given.

We would be happy to discuss with you which of the listed penetration tests is suitable for you. Please contact us via the contact form or send us an email.




Do you need support?

Do you have questions about our offers or an individual request?
Please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are looking forward to your message.

E-Mail: [email protected]